Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Getting Into Things

It's amazing! Luke crawls faster and farther every day. He loves to explore new stuff. We still don't have any baby gates so we watch him like a hawk and get creative trying to protect stuff.

He was very interested in Ben's TV and electronics tonight. We just kept redirecting him.
Finally, Ben put a couple of the barstools on their side, in front of the TV. Works well. For now.

Last night he woke up at about 11pm and wanted to crawl. We tried everything to get him back to bed, but his mind was made up. We decided to let him wear himself out for a while. We wore out before he did!

It was cute though, at one point, we had him blocked in between us. He quickly grew bored of that so he decided to crawl over my legs. I didn't think he would be able to do it yet, but he proved me wrong. Cracked us up in the process. He got his front half over me pretty easily, but couldn't figure out how to get his feet and bottom across. He didn't have enough upper body strength to pull himself over! He finally managed to get one food on my leg and then he pushed himself over. So cute! I let him go. Decided he earned it!


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