Tuesday, March 01, 2005

8 Months Old

Luke is 8 months old! Wow, time flies.

We just noticed today that he can now pick up cheerios with his pincher grasp. He doesn't always get them into his mouth, but he's well on his way.

He still loves to crawl. His favorite things are the kitty's water and the kitty's door. He could splash in the kitty's bowl all day long if I let him.

We finally got a baby gate for the top of the stairs. We'll have to get 2 more to block off the stairs from down here. We have a little bit of time for that. Also, I moved all of the cleaners/dangerous stuff to 1 cabinet and we baby-proofed it so I feel better about that.

Also, I'm in the process of buying all natural cleaning supplies. I've been wanting to get away from harsh chemicals anyway for a while and now seems the best time to do it.

I've heard too many horror stories of babies and toddlers drinking cleaner when it was out, etc. All you have to do is turn your back for a split second! These little stinkers are quick!


Blogger MamaOnABudget said...

I like the couple "Method" products we've purchased from Target. I want to say their website is www.method.com - but if not, google them. We have the cucumber bathroom cleaner and the pink grapefruit kitchen stuff... at least that's where we use them. One is room specific, the other is an all-purpose cleaner. I got it when I was pregnant so I could still do cleaning without worrying about the chemicals I was breathing.

March 1, 2005 at 9:54 AM  

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