Monday, January 31, 2005

Riding in Style

Luke got a new carseat yesterday!

We were going to go down to Perryville with Ben's mom, for a baby shower (didn't make it) and I really wanted to get a new carseat since it's such a long ride. Luke is way too small for his old seat and of course that's not safe.

So we got him a new seat. It's pretty nice. He seems to like it. I hate the fact that bigger carseats don't have bases. If they fall asleep in the car you have to get them out of the seat or lug the entire huge seat into the house.

It's so strange to see him in that new seat. He's out of the infant seat. He's not an infant anymore. Argh, he's getting so big.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

7 Months Old

Luke is 7 months old today! I'm sooo excited.

He's such a big boy. He is really doing a lot of babbling. He can say "dada" but doesn't know that it's a word yet. We are working on it!

Toward the end of each month I get out The Baby Book (Dr. Sears) and the What to Expect the First Year, and I read about the milestones to come. So far, Luke is ahead on all of them. Pretty cool. Of course, I know that doesn't really mean anything, but it's nice to know.

He is definitely sleeping better. Still nurses quite a bit at night, but then he goes right back to sleep. His naps are at least an hour long now. I was beginning to think that would never happen!!

I've always heard about babies practicing their new moves at night, but didn't think much of it until Luke started duing it. Sometimes he'll get up on all fours and then collapse and go right back to sleep. Kind of like sleepwalking. It's really funny.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Much Easier

Oh, one more thing, I was thinking about this yesterday...

Things are much easier all together. I don't know exactly when it happened, but I don't feel like I'm drowning anymore. The house is reasonably clean, I'm able to do small snatches of reading, journalling, web surfing, etc. It's really nice.

I guess a big part of it is due to Luke getting older and being able to entertain himself a little bit more. A little bit goes a long way!

Mmmm, Sweet 'Taters

I gave Luke some of my sweet potato tonight. He had 4-5 bites. He really seemed to like it for the most part. I could tell the texture was weird to him. Also, I put some on his tray for him to investigate and he wouldn't touch it!! This from the baby that grabs ANYTHING in his way! I thought it was pretty funny!

Luke got a Noah's Ark playset for Christmas from Ben's brother, Tim. It's a Fisher Price Little People set. It's really cute and a really good toy. It's something he can play with (chew on) now, but I can see him playing with it for years to come, too.

He plays with it every time we are in his room. I usually let him play while I straighten up or fold laundry, whatever. He loves it. It's just cute to see him actually playing with toys.

Luke is very interested in texture right now. He is always scratching at whatever is beneath him, the sheet on the bed, the carpet, his blanket.

He is still up on hands and knees rocking. I'm sure he'll do that for a while to build up strength, but it's weird to think that he could be crawling any time now! Yikes. I've noticed today that he's getting much better at going backward. I have to keep a good eye on him when we are on the bed!

He's fairly mobile anyway. He can roll and turn like nobody's business! It cracks me up. He's all over the place.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

January 2005 Update

Okay, so here's the run-down on January.

Luke is sitting up and has just been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He's even able to scoot backward sometimes!! So cute.

He had his 6 month check up and everything looks great, as I knew it would! He's in the 70th % for weight, 80th% for head circ. and 90th% for length! Luke weighs 18 lbs and is 28 inches long. Time for a new car seat.

Unfortunately, the reflux is not any better. It's actually worse. I've been told by other reflux mammas that it gets worse when they are teething because of the excess saliva. I hope that's all it is.

Luke is still intolerant to dairy as far as I know. I guess I should really give it a go and drink a big glass of milk or eat a bowl of ice cream (yum!!) but I just don't have the heart to do that to him!

The dr. gave us the go ahead for starting solids, but I just haven't yet. Not really in a big hurry. I know breastmilk is still best for him so I'm not interested in stuffing him with second-rate food yet.

We probably will give him some when we go out to eat with him because he REALLY wants to participate. But, as you can imagine, that scenario doesn't come up much! :)

We had our first accident a couple of weeks ago. Luke fell of of our bed. Oops. Poor babe. He actually slid off the bed so he didn't land hard, but my heart was in my throat nontheless!!

I'm sure I'll think of more and as I do I'll be sure to post!

Here I Am!!

You can check out for everything up until now.

The crashpad program flaked out and erased all my posts for January so I decided to go to a pro site.